
Diagonal operates both nationally and internationally, having completed over 1300 projects in more than 22 countries and 1000 municipalities. We have selected some of the standout projects.

CDHU – Regularização de Empreendimentos

Novo Mané Dendê

SEHAB São Paulo

Land Regularization São Bernardo do Campo

CDHU Morar Paulista

Novo Rio Pinheiros

Island of God (Ilha de Deus)

Sustainable Suape (Suape Sustentável)

Deciding Curitiba

Transportation Department Programs

PAC CDHU - Tenement Action Program

CDHU – Regularização de Empreendimentos

Novo Mané Dendê

SEHAB São Paulo

Land Regularization São Bernardo do Campo

CDHU Morar Paulista

Novo Rio Pinheiros

Island of God (Ilha de Deus)

Sustainable Suape (Suape Sustentável)

Deciding Curitiba

Transportation Department Programs

PAC CDHU - Tenement Action Program

Instituto Votorantim

Moatize Coal Program

Environmental Control Plans for the Carajás S11D Iron Project

Condominium Sanitation Solutions in Latin America

Environmental Education and Social Communication Program

Monitoring of Socioeconomic Indicators

Instituto Votorantim

Moatize Coal Program

Environmental Control Plans for the Carajás S11D Iron Project

Condominium Sanitation Solutions in Latin America

Environmental Education and Social Communication Program

Monitoring of Socioeconomic Indicators
