Public acting area

Area definition

Execution and management of relationship work, reception, and social dialogue with communities, through socioassistential and socioeducational support to families, in all phases of the projects (pre-intervention, intervention, and post-intervention), contributing to the socioeconomic and environmental development of the territories.

Types of projects

  • Social Interest Housing (HIS) plans.
  • Social urbanization of precarious settlements
  • Revitalization of tenement houses
  • Housing provision through home acquisition or credit letter
  • Housing provision through social rental
  • Temporary and emergency housing assistance through housing aid or rental assistance
  • Housing improvements in precarious dwellings
  • Revitalization and regularization of housing complexes
  • Sociocondominium organization in HIS enterprises
  • Integrated sanitation
  • Mobility and urban infrastructure
  • Environment

Products and services

  • Digital and georeferenced socioeconomic registrations and surveys with documentation collection.
  • Participatory and multidisciplinary diagnostics.
  • Co-creation of plans and programs with stakeholders on topics: mobilization, social organization and strengthening, monitoring, and management of the intervention, environmental and heritage education, condominium management, socioeconomic development, food security, job and income generation, social entrepreneurship, social and digital inclusion, rural development.
  • Development of methodologies for the execution of social technical work in each type of intervention. 
  • Conscious adherence of families to the implemented infrastructure systems.
  • Social dialogue and communication with communities.
  • Environmental and heritage education actions.
  • Articulation and development of inter-institutional partnerships.
  • Socioassistential support to families.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of families and methodological processes.

  • Social organization and condominium management in HIS enterprises.

SEHAB São Paulo

CDHU Morar Paulista

SEHAB São Paulo

CDHU Morar Paulista