
Private acting area

Area definition

Solutions in Basic Sanitation and Environmental matters, prioritizing the adoption of the Condominium System for Water Supply and Sanitary Sewage Systems, including the execution of the works of branches and household connections.

Products and services

  • Conducting surveys and characterizing intervention areas.
  • Prepare socioeconomic and sectoral studies and diagnostics.
  • Develop plans, master plans, and basic and executive engineering projects.
  • Collective construction process with stakeholders and support for public hearings.
  • Management, supervision of integrated interventions, and engineering works.
  • Execution of sanitary sewage collection engineering works involving residential branches.
  • Supervision of socioenvironmental actions.
  • Execution of technical social work.
  • Environmental education and social communication.

Condominium Sanitation Solutions in Latin America

Condominium Sanitation Solutions in Latin America